15.4.11 | By: Deb


Well, what was supposed to be 5 hours of travel to get from Ko Phagnan to Bangkok turned into 10 hours.  
I bought a ticket with an airline called Nok Air that includes the ferry from Ko Phagnan, bus to the airport and the flight to Bangkok. The ferry trip left Ko Phagnan at 12:00 and was supposed to take 1.5hours followed by a 1 hour bus ride to Nakhon Si Thammarat airport then a 70min flight to Bangkok arriving at 1700. Well, the ferry’s engine broke down halfway there and my high speed catamaran suddenly turned into a leisure boat cruise that took 2.5 hours, once we arrived they told us to hurry on the bus and it would go to Nakhon Si Thammarat airport where we figured we would run for the flight and they would probably hold it a few minutes as there were at least 20 of us who were supposed to be on that flight in that bus...little did we know they changed all our flights to an 830pm flight (leaving from a completely different airport 2hours further away..Suret Thani Airport)...so now I sit in here killing 4 hours until my new flight leaves which won’t bring me into Bangkok until close to 10pm. At least I Figure I’m still getting in tonight and don’t have to sleep here which I was worried about. There is this guy from the group of us on the bus that just lost his mind, yelling at the airline people, asking for managers, demanding they speak English to him... he was very rude. He kept insisting he had an important meeting in Bangkok that he was now going to miss and how dare they reschedule his flight without even asking him first...who would schedule a meeting an hour after landing in Bangkok late in the evening?? Obviously he was making that up for drama but I was really embarrassed and hightailed it out of there so no one would think I was part of his party! Like yelling is going to change the situation and a plane would magically appear to take him immediately to Bangkok.
I had some dinner in the airport restaurant when we got there around 5pm, after that having not eaten a thing since 9am, and I totally got something different that what I ordered... I think I pointed unclearly... but luckily the mistake meal was really really yummy: eggplant and basil stir-fry with rice - nothing I would have ordered but it was incredibly good. The sauce was a little sweet with ginger/soy/sesame flavours; I literally spooned the rest up and licked the bowl clean. Now I have an hour to kill before I can even check in for the new flight so I am enjoying a latte in a coffee shop and typing away here. At least the cab into my hotel should be cheaper as rush hour will be over with.
Ok, now I am in Bangkok...finishing this post. I got to my hostel at 10pm and was exhausted but was so hungry I literally couldn't sleep without eating so I had a 7-11 meal, as it was my only option of open establishments within a reasonable walking distance. I managed to scrounge up some yogurt, apple slices and a brownie...not bad. Now it's 12:30 and I'm all heartburny( I think from eating way too little today..or maybe the midnight brownie) so I'm blogging while waiting for the Zantac to work it's wonders before attempting to lay myself flat. This is the first dorm I've stayed in in years! I'm cheaping out in the big cities and staying in hostels to save money to spend on nicer hotels when I'm on the beach. So far so good, seems nice enough, roommate is nice, 2 other roommates no where to be seen so hopefully not drunk and noisy when they finally come home to bed! It's only a 4 bed dorm and all girls but none the less I am longing for my own room and will be deploying my sensory deprivation kit tonight (earplugs and eye mask).


Good night...1am so REALLY past my bedtime...


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