14.4.11 | By: Deb


Tonight is my last night in Ko Phagnan. What a relaxing beach vacation, it was the perfect amount of r&r time and I feel ready to get back into the sightseeing again. I quite literally spent the last 8 days sleeping, reading, eating, swimming and strolling along the beach...all the time being really grateful for the long awaited break from work. I have been working myself to the bone with my regular shifts plus all the overtime I have been doing on all my days off since last May... I needed this well deserved break to re-boot in the sun. The weather cooperated, despite the dreadful flooding that preceded my trip, it was a bit cloudy the first couple days but only one small rain shower in the afternoon one day and that cleared up in an hour to blue skies.
The last 3 days were particularly spectacular weather with sunny blue skies and very few clouds. I accidentally burned my back and the back of my thighs yesterday floating on one of those pool lounger floatation devises for too long though...hurts to sit!
Tonight I am hanging out in this little coffee shop by my hotel...it's actually just a huge tree house with comfy lounger seats and excellent free wifi. I am having cheesecake and this thai tea thing( similar to a London fog) while simultaneously downloading survivor to watch later tonight before bed...this is dinner as I had a late lunch and am still pretty full. Tomorrow, I head back to Bangkok. I'm taking a ferry to Suret Thani then flying into Bangkok from there (this way costs about half as much as it would to just fly through Ko Samui) then I'm heading into Malaysia on Sunday. But first...I'll be shopping up a storm in Bangkok!!!!!


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