It started with one, which was supposed to be removed the next morning once it had a chance to suffocate and die, then it snowballed into three and things got overwhelming.
I’m running out of usable glasses to drink from….
It almost became four, however, the large wiley spider that hangs out on the wall of my kitchen, and has recently in the last day taken to lounging about on the counter, is faster than my glass trapping skills. Every time I attempt capture he runs under the counter overhang…one day soon little spider….your days are numbered!
Anyway, the maid comes back to clean on Wednesday and I can’t have her walk in on this freakshow creepy bug museum I have going on (as she’ll think I am a crazy gringo)…so tomorrow I intend to do a full bug removal. Ugh, wish me luck.
My first week is already up and I am in week two…time flies when you are on vacation!
The weather has been ridiculously hot…even I am almost too hot and that’s saying something. I have been tanning, reading and sleeping really well so I feel great. The horrible flu/cold/plague that I suffered from prior to leaving Calgary has completely cleared out of my body and I feel really healthy again…finally. I can’t remember the last time I have has so many really great sleeps with out the aid of immovane or complete exhaustion post night shift.
I found a better route into town, it’s still a long walk but I found a dirt road near where my house is that puts me on the beach instead of a sketchy highway….it’s flat and beautiful and I can walk in the warm ocean water with my bare feet all the way into town. The internet stopped working here Saturday night….the owners of the property say they don’t know what’s wrong and hopefully it can be fixed tomorrow. Super annoying. I also have new neighbours, the other house I share the pool area with has been empty until today. No more topless suntanning I guess.
I started Spanish School yesterday! I’ll write all about that in another post as I have homework to do tonight and I don’t want to get sent to the principal’s office on the second day.
Below are pictures of my walk into town from my rental house.
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