18.3.11 | By: Deb


One more week and I'm outta here! Sun, humidity, yummy food and cheap massages here I come!!! I enjoyed Asia so much last year when I traveled through Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan that I couldn't wait to come back and explore some more of it! This time I'll be in Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Borneo, Singapore, Bali, Lombok and Hong Kong. I'll be gone 7 weeks all together: March 26 to May 13. I've included a little more lazy beach time this trip as I felt a little starved for it last year. My kindle is full and I'm ready to go.

I'm flying through Tokyo on March 26th so I'm really hoping all goes smoothly. The travel agent said not to worry and assured me Narita Airport has been running normally for several days now.  If anything, I think the plane may be emptier than usual and maybe I can get two seats to myself again (it's amazing how much being able to stretch out a bit improves a 10 hour flight)!

On my first day in Bangkok I will be seeing a dentist at 1pm where I plan on getting the night guard made that my dentist has been so desperately trying to press on me for a while now...apparently I am a grinder (2 cracked fillings in the last year). In Calgary: $600....in Bangkok: $70! Lots of people go to Bangkok to get their dental work done, due to it being cost prohibitive where they live, so why not me?  I researched dentists and found a reputable place near my hotel where I'll get my new night guard custom made for me! Yeah!

You'll notice links above to check out my itinerary, guestbook and travel photos.  I will have wifi and my netbook with me for most of my journey so feel feel to skype me if you see me online! (skype username: dbaumback).


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