5.4.03 | By: Deb

Leaning Tower of Pisa

I went to Pisa on the way to Manarolo today to see the leaning tower. I didn't expect it to be leaning quite so much!  It’s shocking! You look at it and wonder how the hell it hasn't fallen over yet. It’s open to the public but at 15euros, I think not.

Right now I am in Manarolo, Italy. It is a small town on the coast of the Italian Riviera and part of the Cinque Terre, which means five towns. There are five towns built into the cliffs on the coast that have no car access. There is a scenic hiking trail that links all the towns together and takes 4-5 hours to walk through, then there are beaches to bask on and boats you can take back to the town you started from.

The towns are very old and the hills surrounding them covered in vineyards. It is really beautiful here, lemon trees everywhere and great limone Gelato.

My hostel is really nice. It is up the hill built into the cliff on Manarolo (the 2nd town). there is a rooftop terrace that overlooks the town and the ocean.

 Tomorrow I plan to go on the five town hike, find a beach and eats lots of foccacia and gelato!


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