2.9.12 | By: Deb

Olympos Ruins

Just at the end of Cirali beach there is an ancient winding path that leads to the remains of Greek ruins. These ancient ruins, dating back to the second-century B.C., are all that remain of an important Lycian city that became abandoned in the 15th century. The ruins themselves are so impressive. The lack of heavy tourist traffic means the site is largely overgrown and really gives the place an ethereal feel.  We decided to get up before dawn to watch the sunrise over the ocean then explore the ruins before the oppressive afternoon heat makes it no longer fun.
We actually showed up an hour before it opened and had the entire place to ourselves….and got in free as the ticket booth wasn’t manned! The sun was low and peaking through the trees and there is a babbling creek running through the old city that adds to it’s ambiance. We both loved exploring the Olympos ruins and it was a real treat to not have to fight through any tourist traffic.
Mosaics on the old church floor


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