31.3.11 | By: Deb


View from my balcony.
 I left Vientiane this morning and took a bus about 3 hours north to the town on Vang Vieng...complete with my life's most traumatic spider experience in a rest stop outhouse bathroom: the thing was massive, scary looking and I inadvertently bumped into it's web with my face...I managed to escape without screaming bloody murder but I still get the creeps just thinking about it..eek.
The skies are blue and it is hot and sunny for the first time since I left home...finally broke out the shorts and sandals

Vang Vieng is a gorgeous, picturesque, sleepy rural town with steep limestone cliffs jutting up in every direction. and the Mekong running through it's middle. The view from my balcony is simply stunning and I've been out here enjoying the sunset while listening to local kids play in the river below to the song of crickets and birds chirping in the background.

I got here around 2pm so had a bite to eat then headed out for a little walk...right below my hotel there is a bridge that take you over the Mekong river and into the caves. I didn't go so far as the caving but had a lovely stroll through the trees. Tomorrow I'm going on a day tour that takes me caving/hiking/kayaking and finishes up with some tubing down the river! You could easily just hole up in this little town for weeks just soaking it all up!


Bethan said...

Love the pictures! Miss you on this continent!! Haha. Thanks for making my mommyhood-playdate-cleaning-dinner-prepping life seem mundane!!!! Ahhhh, I am soooo jealous and therefore have decided to happily live vicariously through you. Make it good. :)

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