4.3.10 | By: Deb


Friday, March 5, 2010


I can't believe this is my last day in Railay. This trip has gone by so fast. This is the perfect place to end it, so tranquil. I have been relaxing and reading by the pool and trying to make time slow down.

The only thing remotely exciting thing that has happened to me was my near death by electrocution the night I arrived. There is an electric kettle in the room to heat water for coffee and tea so in the evening, after watching the sun set, I decided to make a cup of tea and drink it on my patio. This kettle isn't the type you pour the water out of but instead you fill the basin with water, close the lid then push a pump at the top to get your hot water through a spout. So I boil my water, the light indicates it is done. I pump it into my mug and sip it to discover it is barely luke warm. So I investigate the kettle, it feels really hot to touch and when I open it to look in on the water remaining in the basin really hot steam comes out so it feels like the water should be hot. I decide to poke my finger into the water in the kettle reservoir to see what the temperature is and clearly there is some major faulty wiring with this kettle because the second my fingertips touch the water I feel the worst sensation I have ever experienced in my life. My fingertips were in the water for at least 2-3seconds before I was able to push the kettle off the table with my other hand and break the contact. It wasn't a quick zap you pull away from it, was waves and waves of pulsating electricity shooting from my fingers of my right hand up my arm and down into my chest... and the voltage here is 220v not 110v like at home... It was the most horrible feeling. I thought I was going to die, I have had a few little shocks before in my life and this was 1000x worse than anything I've ever felt. I couldn't even pull my hand out it was like it was held in there by gravity. My whole body was shaking for at least 20 minutes after. I can't even walk by that kettle now without feeling my fingers tingle...it was so awful. Hopefully I can avoid catastrophe for the rest of my trip.
Tomorrow morning I head to the Krabi airport and fly to Bangkok where I spend the night and fly to Tokyo early the next day. Good thing I bought those winter jackets in Sapa...it looks like I will need them with a forecast sitting under 10C and snow or rain daily... I sure know how to plan a vacation!


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